The need for e-learning to support IHO CB initiative was raised first by France a t the 1st Session of the IHO Assembly in 2017. Following the submission of the proposal (Pro 3.3) for the establishment of an IHO e-learning Center by the Republic of Korea to the 2nd Session of the IHO Assembly (A-2), the Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC) established the e-Learning Project Team (PT) to start preparing for the establishment of the IHO e-Learning Center including clear guidelines in cooperation with the Republic of Korea. A-2 endorsed the activities to create the IHO e-Learning Center. These guidelines were written by the e-Learning Project Team following a comprehensive review of the experience of various IHO Member States as well as other organizations internationally.
¿Por qué?
e-Learning has high potential for expanding and improving hydrographic capacity. As e-learning is not limited to time and place compared to face-to-face learning, so IHO Member States can benefit from it equally. As e-learning contents, once created, can continue to be used, and reused and updated, this learning me thod is less dependent on possible fluctuations in the budget allocated for capacity building (CB) by the IHO. IHO's limited CB Fund has limitations difficulties in fulfilling requests for expanding face-to-face CB activities, whereas e-learning contents, once created, can continue to be used. e-learning can provide agile adaptability to rapid technological changes in the field of hydrography. It can also be an effective countermeasure to overcome situations in which global disasters, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, hinder CB activities.
La meta del Centro de Aprendizaje Online de la OHI es apoyar a la comunidad hidrográfica con el aprendizaje online para ampliar las actividades de desarrollo de capacidades.
Misión y objetivo
La misión del Centro de Aprendizaje Online de la OHI es apoyar la mejora de la capacidad hidrográfica mundial, la capacitación, la ciencia, los métodos y la tecnología.
Los objetivos del Centro de Aprendizaje Online de la OHI son los siguientes:
Comité Directivo (CD)
Center Support Team
El alcance del trabajo